Sustainable Health Equity Movement - SHEM
We call for a transformational change of global governance and economy to bring together international actors and efforts towards sustainable equity between and within countries.
To achieve sustainable healthy equity, we are already late in addressing the two biggest intertwined challenges of our time: social inequality and the climate crisis.
In a world with plenty of economic resources to guarantee the needs of all humans, the existence of large health inequities results in the basic needs of millions not being met.
We are ordinary citizens, public health experts, healthcare workers, scientists, academics, professional associations, universities, research centers, and other related institutions.
We aim to promote sustainable health equity as an ethical principle that guides all national and international economic, social, and environmental policies.
“We urge the World Health Organization member states to take action to review the existing global health governance mechanisms, including consultation with civil society and other stakeholders, and to propose changes to the multilateral systems on preparedness and responses to health threats.”
We mobilized an inclusive and diverse network of people and institutions from all over the world and made ourselves heard by the key global players drafting plans and policies for the structural causes of inequity and the further impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic.
We are creating roads, searching partnerships, and strengthening processes to make the SHEM network an important player in the drafting of current, and coming policies designed to address inequities.
We are committed to a future in which the two biggest challenges of our time - social inequality and the climate crisis - will be addressed through collective, collaborative, and solidarity efforts.