We asked the people in the SHEM network for suggestions of themes to be addressed by our movement and received a vast and diverse amount of inspiring ideas. To address the topics suggested, we categorized them into seven thematic clusters that should now become seven working groups.
The time has come for you to become more engaged in our struggles for Sustainable Health Equity.
Paulo Buss - SHEM Co-Chair
Human Rights and Equity
The mandate of the Human Rights and Equity TWG is to propose ways to advance the rights to health and to development in international law.
Elham Kateeb
Liisa Laakso
Knowledge, global public goods and equity
We need equal access to life-saving tools everywhere if we are to end the Covid-19 pandemic. And a temporary waiver to patents is crucial for achieving vaccine equity.
Luis Eugenio Souza
Equity Concepts and Metric
The Equity Concept and Metrics (C&M) TWG will gather the movement’s colleagues’ views and experience and provide a conceptual understanding of equity and its metrics interacting with other TWGs, with local initiatives, and with the SC and its relations with WHO.
Arachu Castro
Juan Garay
Economy and Equity
The economic and COVID 19 crises are a manifestation of a world made more unstable in large part because of socially unjust and excessive patterns of consumption that are resource depleting and wasteful.
Ecology and Equity
Steering Committee Liaison Person
Group Short Description -
Health Systems and Equity
Steering Committee Liaison Person
Group Short Description -
Global Governance and Equity
Steering Committee Liaison Person
Group Short Description